Since the holidays just past, I was reminded of one of my favorite shower themes: The Holiday Shower. This could be done at any time of year. Here is how it works - your guests are issued an invitation that has some really cute wording. Something like this:
Each and every holiday is special for different reasons
Let's shower Angie with gifts to celebrate the seasons
Please join us for a
Holiday Shower
in honor of
Angie Willis
Sunday, March 17, 2008
2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Amy Cox's Home
129 Woodland Cove Drive
Monticello, Florida
Please bring a gift for __________.
(Fill in the blank with different holidays that the honoree recognizes -- Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Fourth of July, etc).
If you really want to go the extra mile, you could go to a stationery shop that has a good selection of invitations and pick out a couple of each holiday and coordinate the paper you use with the holiday they have been assigned.
Another idea is the ornament shower. This shower has been incresingly popular in my little town of Elba, Alabama in the past couple of years and is always held in November or December. Since we do live in a tiny town, one of the local shopkeepers will decorate a tree with selections that the bride picked out to decorate "her" tree. The invitation reads something like this:
Please join us for a
Christmas Ornament Shower
in honor of
Miss Meredith Lowery
on Sunday, November 21, 2010
at the home of Amy Cox
129 Woodland Cove Drive
Monticello, Florida
~ Hostesses ~
Christina Hopkins, Pamela Smith, Susan Miller,
Valerie Moorehead and Lynn Robbins
~ Registry ~
The Lowery-Jones Tree is on display at the Strawberry Patch.